Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Bloomington Township Trustee Candidates

Monroe County's local newspaper, Herald Times, does a lot to promote civic engagement at the local level.  In addition to their ongoing, and free, GovTracker that tracks all things governmental in Bloomington and Monroe County and beyond, they have set up a section called 2014 Election, which covers related news and the candidates.  They include a section where voters can find more information about the candidates for various races, including the often overlooked races for Township Board and Township Trustee.  Candidates have to respond to information requests to be included. The HT also offers to produce and post a 3 minute video of the candidate making their pitch for votes.

To cut to the chase, here's the webpage for the Bloomington Township Trustee candidates.  I was one of the few brave and possibly foolish folks who agreed to be videotaped delivering my "stump" speech.  Enjoy!

Bloomington Township Trustee Candidates

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