Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Upcoming Budget Meetings for the Township and the Territory


Bloomington Township starts its 2018 budget preparations in earnest in June.  Here is the schedule for the budget preparation process which begins in June and concludes in September.

Thursday, June 8, Bloomington Township Board Meeting.  The budget-related topics will include: # of 2018 payroll periods; review budget calendar, and proposed Benton Township FEMS contract amounts.

Thursday, July 13, Bloomington Township Board Meeting. This meeting is the 2018 Budget Workshop at which the Township Trustee presents a draft budget including proposed payroll changes, early retirement incentive for firefighters, payroll, benefit, and insurance worksheets, volunteer association contract amount, and anticipated apparatus expenditures.
Thursday, August 10 OR August 17, Bloomington Township Board Meeting. The date depends on when the Township is scheduled to meet with the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance representative.  DLGF’s representative reviews the proposed budget, both anticipated income and expenditures, and provides input, which is reported to the Board. 

Thursday, September 14, Bloomington Township Board Meeting and Budget Public Hearing.  While the public can attend previous board meetings and provide feedback on the proposed budget, the law requires the Board to hold this meeting designated for public input and feedback prior to final adoption of the budget.  This allows the Township Board to hear the concerns and recommendations of the Township’s residents prior to adopting the 2018 budget, and make changes if they agree.

Thursday, September 28, Bloomington Township Board 2018 Budget Adoption Meeting.  At this meeting, the Board discusses the proposed 2018 Budget and, if acceptable, adopt it.  They can approve changes to it up to this point.  But, they must be ready to adopt and submit to the State of Indiana. Though it has not happened during the current Trustee’s tenure, the Board can continue their meeting so that their desired changes can be made, as long as the 2018 Budget is adopted and submitted by November 1.

NMFT Executive Committee meets at Station 5
The NMFT Executive Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month.  At each meeting in July, August, and September, the budget considerations and proposed budget will be presented and discussed.  The Executive Committee as well as Washington Township Board will be asked to consider the fire territory’s part of the proposed 2018 Bloomington Township Budget and make recommendations regarding its adoption to the Bloomington Township Board.

The Bloomington Township Board Meetings are normally held at the Township Office at 2111 West Fountain Drive.  The NMFT Executive Committee Meetings are held at Station 5, 5081 N. Old SR 37.  Meeting agendas and approved minutes are posted on the Bloomington Township and the NMFT websites.  Contact Washington Township Trustee Barb Ooley regarding meeting dates and location.