Bloomington Township Trustee Race Achieves Front Page Coverage in Local Paper
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Bloomington Township candidates address fiscal transparency, continuation of services
By Dann Denny 812-331-4350 | | Posted: Monday, October 13, 2014 12:00 am
Republican Bill Eggleston is promising total transparency if he succeeds in defeating Democratic
incumbent Lillian Henegar in the race for Bloomington Township trustee. “People will be able to come into my office at any time and get a computer printout showing how much money we started with and how much money we’ve spent,” he said. “It’s their money, not mine. I’m not throwing stones at anyone, but whenever there is public money involved, it’s always good to have it looked at with a fresh set of eyes.”
Henegar was elected trustee in a Democratic Party caucus in March 2013 to complete the term of former trustee Linda Sievers. Henegar said she decided to seek a full term “because folks depend upon a continuation of the sound, responsible and compassionate policies and services that I and my predecessors have provided. I enjoy serving as the trustee and love being able to contribute my many diverse life and professional experiences and capabilities to the benefit of Bloomington Township and its residents.”
Eggleston said he wonders about the raises given to township employees last year. “I have some questions about whether or not that was appropriate, particularly in these economic times when people are struggling to stay afloat,” he said.
Henegar said the township has two major responsibilities — ensuring fire and emergency medical
services for its non city residents and providing emergency assistance to its residents in need. “The fire and emergency medical services we all deserve and expect are very expensive,” she said. “Therefore, in the next four years, we must find and implement the most effective way to fund this service into the future.”
The second issue, she said, is figuring out the best ways the township can contribute to overcoming
the obstacles confronting the working poor and poor in the community. “Every day, we see folks whose income is insufficient to cover their basic needs, who rely upon public transportation for work and yet are challenged when service is limited, who can’t find housing that is affordable, whose health challenges outstrip their resources, and whose economic vulnerability is preyed upon by payday lenders, rent-to-own and others,” Henegar said.
Eggleston said he’s running because Bloomington has been good to him, and he wants to serve
township residents as a way of giving back. “It’s like my grandmother used to say, ‘Sonny, to those who much is given, much is required.’”
He said if elected, his priorities would be to continue making the township’s volunteer fire unit the
best it can be and turn the township trustee’s office into a clearinghouse for information to help people find jobs; and, within the limits of the budget, help everyone who needs assistance.
Henegar said she joined with other townships in Monroe County to explore options to better the
funding for fire and emergency medical services; worked with New Hope Family Shelter to get
Rosie’s Place back on line as an emergency family shelter; and worked with township staff, the
Bloomington Township Volunteer Firefighters Association and the township’s “Pantry Partners” to
better meet the demands on the township food pantry.
Eggleston ran for Perry Township trustree against incumbent Dan Combs several years ago.
“He beat me like a tom-tom,” he said. “But I’ve acquired a lot of business knowledge, and I’ve seen a lot of life. And the age of 73, this is not stepping stone to me becoming mayor or governor.
“I pledge I will do everything I can to make sure there are no hungry children in Bloomington
Township. I have the energy and experience to do the job, and I want to serve the people in the
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